Class of 76 DFW Lunch 2nd Wednesday

We hope you can join us for The Centennial Class of ’76 DFW Area Luncheon on Wednesday, 13 March 2024.   This will be an informal gathering to meet classmates that live in the DFW area, and catch up with old classmates.  Spouses are welcome, as well as non-classmates.  No RSVP required.  We will also discuss locations for future DFW Class of ’76 lunch gatherings.

Location: Tupinamba Café … the owner is Edward “Eddie” Dominguez ’66

Address: 9665 N Central Expy, Suite 142 in Dallas; (972) 991-8148

Date: 13 March 2024, Wednesday

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

We look forward to seeing you on March 13th.

Since the DFW area is so large, we’ll now have lunch gatherings on both sides of the DFW Metroplex in 2024.   We’ll meet in the Dallas area on the second Wednesday on ODD numbered months: 3/13, 5/8, 7/10, 9/11 & 11/13.  We’ll meet in the Fort Worth area on the second Wednesday of the EVEN numbered months: 4/10, 6/12, 8/14, 10/9 & 12/11.  OK, Ags, put those dates in your calendars, and we’ll update you with the details of each upcoming lunch.

The April lunch will be held at Fred’s Texas Café (Camp Bowie location) in Fort Worth on 10 April.  Mark your calendars, and please watch your Inbox for the details.

As a reminder, our 2024 lunch gatherings are now alternating between both sides of the DFW Metroplex.   We’ll meet on the “east side” (i.e. the Dallas area) on the second Wednesday of ODD numbered months: 3/13, 5/8, 7/10, 9/11 & 11/13.  We’ll meet on the “west side” (i.e. the Fort Worth area) on the second Wednesday of EVEN numbered months: 4/10, 6/12, 8/14, 10/9 & 12/11.  Please put those dates in your calendars, and we’ll update you with the details of each upcoming lunch.

George Gillespie ’76